Recently I have been researching both reincarnation and life after death. Most of the ‘evidence’ for life after death is from those who have had near death experiences, NDE’s. In regards to reincarnation, the ‘evidence’ seems to be mainly anecdotal, which means that it’s largely subjective.There is a great need for scientific/empirical evidence to substantiate the existence of life beyond death. Curiously, NDE’s are providing some proof whereas reincarnation is not, yet the latter frequently has people claiming scientific proof, when there appears to be none.
There are various offerings thrown in to the mix from the world of quantum physics, more notably, Robert Lanza’s biocentrism and the idea of a quantum soul via the Orch-OR phenomena suggested by Sir Roger Penrose and Dr Stuart Hameroff. However, these are just theories, ideas and prove nothing as yet but suggest the potential for eventually finding the elusive evidence.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that there is an afterlife. Moreover, I believe that every soul is unique and that we do not inhabit various fleshy vehicles, merely the one during this lifetime, so I don’t believe in reincarnation but in an afterlife, albeit an unknown one. How we scientifically prove the afterlife will probably require us to redefine life itself and the laws of physics. How the spiritual realm interacts with our own, will require examination and I do perceive that the quantum physicists will probably be involved in our understanding of the supranatural. I say supranatural as apposed to supernatural, because I am differentiating them as two separate things; there will always be the traditional supernatural and its associated beliefs, as well as the supranatural which I hope will scientifically prove the spiritual realm. To understand the supranatural we also need to understand the soul or spirit, for I firmly believe that the two are linked. Philosophers and scientists have both searched for proof of the soul, even in ancient times, which is much akin to discovering the mind. Just as there is a physical brain and invisible mind, there is also the physical body and invisible soul, things that define our sentience, neigh consciousness. We can view the brain and body, yet cannot see the mind or soul, but we surmise and accept that they exist. As for sentience, that is not yet fully defined because of our human blinkeredness. We perceive sentience as sign of life, yet what is life? I can hear the answers being shouted at me now, but do we really understand what life is? It is open to opinion and I believe that there are things that are alive which as yet are undiscovered.
A few years back a film was released called, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, in which the heroine seeks to understand the physiology of phantom beings that arrive as a result of a crashed meteorite and I often wonder if we will be able to study the physiology of the soul and mind in a similar way. Maybe at some level, the quantum level most likely, there is the makeup of our soul awaiting discovery and study will aid us in understanding the nature of the soul and universe.
In Hinduism, there is the notion of reincarnation and, according to which idea within one subscribes to, Atman/God is in everything, each life being an incarnation of Atman, so to speak. Eventually everything goes back to be with Atman. In the tri-abramic faiths, God offers us immortality in Heaven. Whatever you believe, the aforementioned faiths have the idea of existence beyond and before this corporeal life. Atheists would argue against such ideas and then there are those who want to believe, if only there was proof.
So what would the affect be if science proves the mind, afterlife, the soul, or a universal consciousness even? I think the news would be profound and believe that eventually there will be proof of something relating to the spirit at a quantum level. Advances in quantum computing and quantum physics will soon open a new can of worms which will need labelling and to be compartmentalized. As the nuts and bolts of quantum mechanics, which bring visible technology to us (e.g. a quantum computer) are being developed, we will stumble across something that links the visible realm with an unseen one.
One such thing that exists in simultaneous states, is our friend, the photon which exists as both particle and wave. Julian Heeck, of the Max Planck Institute, calculates that the life of a photon could be a billion-billion years, if it has a slight mass. If other information comes to light, then it will be recalculated. Also, a photon never dies, it transforms into an electron or electron + positron, which can turn into a gamma ray. Furthermore, Frank Heile PhD, of Stanford University, suggests that the humble photon does not experience any time at all. So, it can live a good while then transforms into another form. Alternatively, it is timeless, eternal. Generally speaking, professionals presume that our little photon has no mass and is the opposite of matter. However, it takes both components for it to exist in our perceived reality. Does the spirit then, like a wave, roll on the shore of another realm or ebb to the ocean of the universe? If the spirit is similar to the photon then it has a healthy life span and essentially never ends but transforms into something else, or is eternal.
In my mind’s eye, I perceive that like a photon, ourselves and all things, exist in two states. The double slit test has already indicated that time works differently for the photon, for its future affects the past. Knowing it’s observed, it reveals itself as a particle, which begs the question, how does it know it is observed? Is it sentient/conscious? Likewise, I think that we exist simultaneously in two states, soul and body. When observed, I am body and when unobserved I am spirit. It’s a bit like this writing you are presently reading; the words did not exist until I have written them, so my past is your present. Even after my life in this realm is over, you can still read my words as if they are still alive. So do words ever die? Did I ever die? Whether or not I am alive in the corporeal sense now, is of no matter, for in this moment I am alive to you.
So, I think that the afterlife and existence of the soul exist. I reiterate, that I believe that all ‘life,’ is like the photon and exists in two states at the same time, meaning that the supranatural realm and this one exist simultaneously, in two different states. If I am correct, I’ll wave at you, the moment I travel past you
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