When you stop and consider religious ideas, alot of things need to be considered; who wrote them, who edited them and if we were to write them today, what response would they get? How would it relate to what we know?
In a thousand years time, would it appear naive? The key thing behind any notion of religion, or faith, is a moral principle regarding the improvement of self and society. Whether someone believes in God, an idea or principle, the idea of this fuels a fire. Buddhists may seek their own salvation, Christians have been granted salvation, Muslims regard charitable & good works to be essential in developing weight on the scales of judgement, Taoists observe and follow the natural flow of things, and the Hindu have a belief in samsara & karma. All these ideas are competitive. So who knows what the truth is? Is there God?
What I cannot exclude is the idea of God, of salvation, the nature of things and the creation of our universe. Our human knowledge is limited. Our knowledge of the brain, the mind, the universe and time is limited. We cannot prove or disprove, explain even 30% of the things we claim to know. So how can someone say there is no God? How can someone say this is how we were or weren't created?
I believe there is God, and our human minds cannot comprehend what God truly is. I believe that there is salvation and you can only grasp this idea when you realise how worthless, broken and sin ridden you are. I believe there is a way, the nature of things. I have faith that what I believe in affects my actions, my morality and the well-being of you and I. Religion isn't the issue, it's faith & belief. It's people with arrogance of opinion and lack of being open-minded, those who are blinkered and so blind to the evil they create in the name of good, who need to consider the ideas they believe in and consider, whether this truth they believe in has been written and edited by humankind to tell a version of events. For these people humanity will judge them, as well as their god. As for God, I believe God sends messengers at intervals through our history to help the moral compass point true north. Few are famous, many more are not. Those who exercise compassion, and whose actions are of forgiveness and love, have heard the truth. Those who force opinion have heard it yet twisted it. There is no true religion, there is only true faith: faith in the endless possibilities, in someday understanding an idea of what God truly is, in not being so arrogant to assert a conclusion that can never be proven, and faith that our acts of compassion and love will overcome all things. And having the faith that in 2000 years time, we will be able to look back and see how much we have grown and just how much we still do not know.
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