Sunday, 31 May 2015

Recognition of body states

We often find ourselves in situations where we don't recognise how we feel. An incident occurs and we react, based on emotions. Usually, the mind tells the body but more often than not, the body tells the mind and then we decipher what's happening.
So take time to sit quietly, recall moments of happiness, sadness, anxiety, excitement, arousal and recognise the physical sensations.
I suggest looking at pictures, photographs, old films of family events. When you feel the physical reaction, just concentrate on your breathing, in and out, and simply recognise tightness in the belly, a 'lump in your throat,' butterflies, tension in the small of your back, tightness of the chest, etc. Acknowledge the feeling and acknowledge the emotions by simply saying, 'sad' or 'happy,' et cetera. Continue practicing this.
Then, when you are in a situation, you will learn what you are feeling and experiencing. Your body and mind will be aligned.
As soon as you hear a raised voice, have an invite, receive bad news, among other things, just take a breath, focus on breathing in and out, and recognise the emotion.
Emotions can be complex and we can feel overwhelmed by a multitude of sensations. By recognition of body states, we can begin to recognise what our body is telling us. In return we begin to tell the body and acknowledge what we are experiencing. Body and mind become aligned.

Once you practice this, put it in to practice, so as soon as you feel a trigger from the body, you know to breathe. Focus on your breathing, the in, the out. In time, you will be able to handle situations better and not react on impulse.

I'm not saying don't cry, don't laugh, don't get angry; I'm suggesting you become more aware of the body/mind relationship. You don't want to be numb to emotion, but you may want to be more aware of the moment and feel a bit more controlled, so you don't retaliate, don't bite, make rash decisions, don't feel as anxious, as impulsive.

And peace be with you.

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