Wednesday, 30 September 2015

More about the Silence

When you are able to find the silence, that quiet place in you that is also all outside you, carry it with you wherever you go. It's everywhere and when you discover this, you will realise that you are part of the silence. Focus on your breathing, be aware of your surroundings, what you feel, what you hear, what you see. Recognise your heart is beating in time with the universe. Moreover, your heartbeat is only one of the many drums beating to the rhythm of the universe. You are matching your heartbeat to the universal rhythm. Feel it pulsing through you, with you. That same rhythm is in everything and everyone, but some have not heard it yet. So bring the silence to all things, all beings. And when you find another whose rhythm matches yours and the universe, you have found a likeminded soul. You will be able to be silent together and this silence will speak louder than words, any sound, any noise. The silence is comfortable and needs no words. It is the immutable bond.
The silence of trees, grass, flowers, birds lifting in the sky, ants crawling along the way, the trickling of water in a stream, all whisper the same, gentle message, that your heart speaks. In the silence, you can hear it clearly. The rhythm of the universe, its heartbeat, moves everything; day and night, the seasons, the patterns in the night sky, the planets in their dance around the sun. It never skips a beat. It keeps going.
Like a wave on the ocean, that ripples across the water, so the eternal rhythm continues. Our own heartbeats are like drops of water in the ocean of the universe: collectively we are the universe. Hear the water trickle and wash against the shore of your soul. Listen to this and you are hearing the silence. It is in you and around you, it is everywhere.

Finding the Silence

As you begin to meditate, breathe and focus on your breath, the in, the out. If you hear something just acknowledge it; rain, traffic, wind, your breathing, people chattering. Then focus on your breath, the in and out. If you feel something, just acknowledge it; shoes, shirt, trousers, the breeze, rain, warm sun on your skin. Focus on your breathing, the in, the out.

Become an observer of your thoughts.
Become an observer of your emotions.
Become an observer of just being.
In each step, do not judge and assess the thoughts, feelings and being. Eventually, you will find the silence. Here the bubble around you, the 'I,' will dissolve. You will find peace and discover how all things are connected, the at-one-ness, the bridge between here and there. You will have reached out and touched the silence.

Monday, 21 September 2015

How did it come to this?

With the recent refugee crisis in Europe regarding the Syrian people, I think it's important to recognise that we, as humankind, need to reassess our values.
There will always be the risk of potential terrorists inserting themselves in other countries, disguising themselves as refugees. However, there will be genuine people seeking refuge. The other side of the coin, is how did we let the country in question ever get to that point that the residents feel the need to escape the regime? We can talk about policing a state/nation, war and sending in peacekeepers, but ultimately we are seeing that there is a huge wave of changing values sweeping across the world. We are experiencing a dichotomy; a materialist west hemisphere & a religious east hemisphere. The west influences the east with democracy and technology, neigh consumerism, whereas the east influences the west with spiritual ideals. We can wage war in the name of a prophet, a deity or in the name of morality, but this is where the problem lies; war is war. The religions of the world have an indubitable influence over our morals and ethics historically. At the heart of most religions there is a common core, a moral core. However, at the heart of humankind, there is a desire to conquer and control. So, whether it be at the United Nations or otherwise, we need to reassess our moral core. We need to be stopping the rise of oppression before it accelerates, allow free will, free speech and freedom of belief. However, with freedom comes a responsibility, that being the right to police people, whilst having no agenda. It is a double edged sword, a paradox, freedom which is policed. No nation should have to be subject to a dictator, oppressive regime or overly controlling government. So we would need to police the police, have intelligence about potential uprisings within the nations, as well as allowing complete freedom. To do this we need a universal consensus on what is right and wrong, hence the need to reassess our values as a planet, the human race. We need a common ground as agreed by all nations. How we would stop uprisings of fundamentalists and extremists would need to be agreed also, thus a need to still have intelligence services and police. An important issue with the potential uprisings is knowing how to let an idea grow, but not become so large that war starts. As soon as an idea gathers pace, this is where we have to address the issue without it becoming a tsunami.
I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we need to address these things as a planet, as one race so that we can have freedom of belief, speech, and free will. We are one. The only barriers that exist are the ones we create. No one should feel like they should have to sneak through a barrier to seek freedom.

Monday, 7 September 2015


I often find myself in awe of the mind's ability to recall memories. I'll hear a voice, see a picture or recall a smell from another time and place. The brain's ability to store memories is phenomenal. At will I can summon up images and conversations from long ago. I can remember my first visit to primary school, my maternal gran's laugh, my paternal grandads gentle voice and how he said certain words. I can visualize my parent's living room from early childhood, the smell of my dad's leather jacket with his aftershave, hear the singing of my mum from the kitchen as she prepares lunch; hear my sister singing along to her music in her bedroom; see my daughter when she was 3yrs old and how Tommy used to fascinated by my bald head and how he would jokingly lick it; hear my wife's laugh as I act stupid.
Sometimes these moments catch me off-guard, other times they are daydreams drifting like clouds in the sky. As you read this, you're probably recalling memories of your own family and friends. How this happens is staggering. It never ceases to amaze me at the brain/mind's ability to recall and project those moments on to a virtual screen for us to see. It's all in the mind's eye.
If the universe is like a brain or mind, maybe it stores all our memories and lives, remembers when it was in its infancy, etc. I often wonder if the stars and galaxies we see are memories of a method used to create life, like "Ah, that didn't quite work. That combination of atoms didn't bond well." Thus, we are viewing the universe's past, its mysterious memory. So are we in the mind's eye of the universe?
It would be great to know if our memories are uploaded to the universe, so we share the same mind-space and it's all stored safely, in a timeless state for eternity. If we shared the same mind, maybe there is a way of accessing the memories of the universe. And what would we see, hear, feel, smell and taste?
Now that's something to think about

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Talk about Time

How we have traditionally perceived time is as past, present and future. However, this is not the case. In this traditional perception, we regard time in this fashion, due to our passage around the sun and the moon's passage around our planet, and gravity plays its part in this general understanding of time.
In reality, quantum physics shows us this is not the case. It suggests the observer affects reality and that entangled photons communicate with each other, linking them beyond space and time. They only become real only when we observe them, yet quanta are both wave and particle at the same time even though they are not visually real until we observe them. This does not mean things do not exist until we see them, it means that the form they take is according to one's perception of time. More recently, test results from observing quanta, imply the future affects the past, making our traditional idea of time, appearing linear (past to future) only one possible facet.
An interesting point regarding time and communication is propagation delay, the length of time between sender and receiver. In our traditional sense of time, the greater the distance we send a signal, the longer it takes to be received. So essentially, all communication is in the past. Say, for example, you are 500 million kilometers away, somewhere in space, there will be a delay in you receiving the message. When you receive the message from the past, you then reply. As you reply, our earth has journeyed at least one day, so the response you send, even though it is in your moment, is now in the past. However, to myself it is from the future, even though it's your past. So in a sense, the future and past are interchangeable. Yet, entangled photons don't have this problem. To them it's like there is no time or identity, until an observer observes them. It is purely a form of energy.
To photons/quanta, there is no need for the construct of time. It is merely energy. We observers understand energy in a number of different ways, as it help us to understand who we are and how things are made. Moreover, we have order, but essentially we are all the same at a basic, elementary level. Without time, there is no relay of communication, merely communication per se, the idea, the intent, the knowing. Time is only required to enable a relay of communication when order is required. This basically means, that energy with mass needs time to comprehend. Energy with no mass, needs no time as it comprehends everything already.
In the dark, seemingly chaotic realm of energy, there is the idea, the intent, the knowing. The energy is both created and uncreated. To reiterate, only a created object will not know or understand due to mass and the concept of linear time is required to help make sense of things. To energy, to uncreated potential, there is constant communication, but it happens all at once. Hence, energy when perceived as light, is communicated as light and manifest as light. Once it is realised in finite form, it is part of the created universe. If unobserved, energy will simply be what it is, until observed. And this phenomenon is at the heart of every atom.
We all exist in time and outside of time. When observed, we are here. When unobserved, we are there, with the rest of the energy. When bound by time, we are finite. Energy only ever changes from one form to another, it does not die. So when we die, we are not really dying at all; we are changing to the unobservable state that simply is just being eternal, and just being, just now.
So linear time allows us to create a sense of order to understand the way of the universe, or multiverse, as the case maybe, and to indicate source and destination. Time is also unbound by our simple traditional view where there is no mass or gravity. Time is within energy and transforms from one state to another.
As we journey around our sun and the moon journeys around our planet, all things have a physical, corporeal reality. When they expire, they are unleashed from the fetters of traditional, linear time and transform into another state of energy. They become eternal. If another being on another planet observes us, they are witnessing the past and to them we will have existed. The light from our sun will have reached our alien observer, thus it will come in to being. Our expired star is proven to have existed, as well as our lives. And even though we will have morphed into a different state of energy and existence at this point, proof of our material existence is there for our alien friend.
Creation is in the past tense, yet the creative flow, the way of this energy, is infinite. Unobserved, it is uncreate and when observed it is created. Therefore we can confidently say that there is a witness to our universe and this observer is the energy that is both created and uncreated, all at once. Our interaction with it confirms our, and its own, existence. We are entangled with this energy and it communicates. This energy is self aware, neigh conscious, and all communication is happening all at once. It is seemingly chaotic to our minds, but not chaos per se, for it is simply knowing, just being. We, on the other hand, are given time so we can process the notion of being, hence linear time being a construct of the energy. This energy witnesses our creation and forms our universe. In turn, we witness the universe and confirm its creation.
This energy is at the heart of every atom. It makes up the bulk of our universe. We think we cannot see it, but we do. It also sees us. It communicates with us, yet we think we cannot hear it, but we do. It also hears us. And this is why we need to understand the silence. All things vibrate and vibration is sound. We need to understand how to tune into the vibration and given time, we will.

The Silence

I find myself on a quest to be with this creative force and understand it. As I have said before, I call the force God and believe it to be inside us and outside of us. It permeates everything, so how can I be on a quest to be with God? It is the only way I can describe it. Another way to express this maybe to explain it as being at one with God. Many ancient sources suggest loosing the self, the ego, to become one with God / the universe. Yet, surely we are given self to be individual? I am not talking about being an egoist, but being unique, for we have been given this rite. I am talking about being oneself with God / the universe.
In the silence of meditation, the clearing of the mind, one catches glimpses of this eternal force. In the silence, we discover the nature of it, its way, its being. Getting in to the silence is through meditation. I have found Zen very helpful in this regard. The guidelines for Zen practice, not belief, encourage discipline of the meditative process whilst sitting and moving. In the same way we achieve muscle memory by learning movement and fine motor movements through years of unwitting practice; in the same way we learn to breathe, speak and walk, we can learn to meditate. Maintaining the practice throughout our daily lives is difficult, but not impossible. Some, like monks and nuns, may choose a devotional life to enhance contemplative life, but I am in favour of keeping contemplation in everyday life; work, rest, socialising and shopping, etc. So part of my quest is not just to find and stay in the silence, but to bring it with myself into every situation. For the silence is very noisy anyway. In a Zen-like way, silence is noise. It's the crackle of a flame, the wind in the trees, the rain on the window, the chattering of birds, the fluttering of butterfly wings, the murmurs of people, the footstep on grass, the gentle inspiration and expiration of breath, and everyday life. When you learn to hear the silence, you can hear it anywhere and everywhere. The silence is being audibly at peace with the environment. I will explain how to find the silence later.
In my journey to be at one with God, I have realised that it is a force that we work with, not against. It is energy, but not like Chi. We tend to call it faith, but it is a force. We cannot own it, nor bend it. It works in union with us. We cannot tell it, we have to ask. It is a cooperative energy. It's a force that works for good that communicates between us, God, and the object. It is respectful and gentle. If you had a power, you would use it to your advantage, but this force is not an owned power. It is a mutual request being acted on, a prayer, an act of faith. I tell you that if you believe what you are asking for and can envision it happening, then it will happen. If it is good, right and beneficent it will come to pass, but it cannot go against the way of things. It can only go with the way, the flow, the natural order of things. And this is why you must learn about the constant changes that all things go through. Everything changes except the force, the creative spark, God. There is no death, it is merely change. There is no decay, it's a transition.
The silence helps us to understand this. It helps us to be at one with the energy, the way, God, the force, the universe, with all things. Because the energy, the silence, is already inside you and in everything, you could talk to a leaf and ask it to fall, ask for shower of rain on a cloudless day, ask a tree to come back to life, and ask the wind to ease its temper. You cannot control it, you ask for it to happen.
To find the silence you must believe you can find it, then you can be with it, and at one with it. It is learning to keep it with you wherever you go, through the many changes, that you will stay with it and it within you. With time you will learn to understand this.

The Universal Constant

The more I see life, the more I see the constant changes and realise how nothing is permanent but merely in transition. I, personally, don't believe in reincarnation but consider the possibility of certain traits being passed down, or inherited; like how a cell in a body knows what type of cell it is, or how a plant has a seed and that contains blueprint for what species it is. There is such diversity in life and existence, yet all are impermanent, apart from the source, that creative spark which has been permanent since the inception. We strive to understand the beginning, so we can ponder the end. Yet, the creative spark constantly remains and sees no end, merely the countless changes. Within the transformations only now exists, no past, no future, for they are interchangeable. One past is another's future and one future is another's past. We seek to understand the fluidity of now, it's state of flux and the creative spark within the now. We ascribe names for it such as God, nature, seconds, minutes ,this constant, eternal and now. It exists and is in everything, constantly there whether in a child's tear, a seed, a star or at the heart of an atom. It is what it is. Is it enough to know that it merely is what it is? I am curious and would like to understand what it is.
I perceive it as part of God, as the fabric of the universe, the elusive dark energy, the essence of the cosmos, the quantum quintessence. Not only is it in everything, it is everything and nothing can separate it from us or us from it. I believe it communicates, it responds to us and pays no attention to the rules of time. It shows us that faith in knowing an outcome without doubting it, is an act not just of faith but also a way of helping us understand how it works. It is a miracle worker and enables us to be the same. The greater the number of agreed beings there are conforming to an outcome, the greater the faith is in knowing the outcome will happen. Why? Because belief in the outcome, creates the result. We are tapping in to that creative spark, the essence of our existence.
I also believe that as humans, we possibly do not have the capacity to truly understand the creative energy. As our perceptions of the energy appear to be inline with the notion of a deity, a way, a person, it meets us in this fashion and respects our yearning to communicate and understand it. We cannot see it, yet it is between 'a and b,' then and now, past and future; it is the in-between, the present, the now. It has ways of travelling which we cannot perceive. It can change its method of travel according to the necessary state required to get there. This is how it is similar to faith, for it sees no obstacles and gets from prayer to answer faster than light. The method of travel is not confined to time, it is beyond it. We cannot explain how or why it occurs, yet this indescribable something makes up the majority of the universe.
It's like a vast database that contains the ingredients for life. It downloads information to particles enabling them to be the necessary parts of being and also uploads the information of its existence upon physical death.
It exists and is conscious, exploring every avenue of existence, enabling consciousness in all manner of beings.
I mean no disrespect by naming it as 'it' for the purpose of this article, it's just that it is difficult to define. I believe this phenomena to be part of God. Other people may call it other names, yet I believe that this entity realizes our inability to truly comprehend what it is and accepts our humble, if not meagre, attempts to quantify it, name it and understand it.

This creative force is constant and at work all the time. It is the only constant in our ever changing world, solar system, galaxy and universe. It is the flow, the way, the nature of all things and expresses itself as required. With time you will understand this.

Dark Energy

Dark energy makes up the majority of space. It has possibly the smallest fraction of matter within each particle; it's not gravity or antigravity; it's not radioactive or has electromagnetic properties, hence its non baryonic. So what is it?
What it seems to do is push things apart and stretches space-time to its thinnest point. It is a little like a spider's web, holding galaxies and star nurseries in place, and also appears to be like a halo around galaxies.
To my mind, it is like the roots of the universe. If we consider a tree that has roots which stretch and grow underground, the more robust roots grow thicker and can sometimes push up through the ground often pushing up concrete slabs, paving, or just push up the earth. When trees die, they are sometimes cut down to leave a stump, but more often they decay and rot at the end of their life. During its life the leaves of the tree use photosynthesis to produce oxygen, a complex process involving gases and other aspects of the plants system which receive and filter these gases to convert them into food for the tree as well as oxygen for us and the planet.
I also perceive the dark energy to be like a fluid, like a salty ocean. The salt and water being as one yet the salt is like the ultra small particles which are in dark energy. So one could say that the roots which I previously mentioned are in the water, feeding the galaxies, black holes being as the stumps of trees.
So does dark energy work like this? Are galaxies the flowers of the universe? Do the roots grow and push?
In short, the nature of plants indicates the nature of dark energy and matter. It has at least 3 aspects; ultra small particles, thickened, robust root networks and flower-like heads which form galaxies. It's also possible that there is an effect similar to photosynthesis, where light aids the particles to transform into certain gases/elements and baryonic properties.
It is almost like the ultra small particles are as yet undefined and become what they need to be. They also are at the heart of atoms.
These particles, I believe, are non dependent of time, not gravity or baryonic. It's quite likely that when they are studied that a new equivalent to the periodic table will be necessary to define their types. So this is how I perceive the universe; these ultra small particles travel along the roots, which are created by the same particles in a variation of its state, possibly being dark matter. They feed the galaxies which are the flowering heads, or plants. And these particles are not just in dark energy/matter, but also at the heart of every atom. They are the seeds of life, holding the key to life, containing memories which download and upload upon life/death and with the transition of energy from one state to another. Potentially, they are also in quanta/photons. Their nature is like a wave, yet also as a particle, hence my thoughts of it being like salt water. They become entangled with time where gravity exists, but have no time-like properties.
In a way, this could mean the potential for navigating the universe, as well as time travel, is more open. Imagine travelling without the constraints of time, along a root of the universe, to another galaxy. These roots may well be vast highways that are the network of the universe. If this is the case, we need spacecraft with enough fuel to navigate within galaxies, which can then slide down a chute to another galaxy in no time at all. When we realise how to do this, it will be an exciting time.
If you think this is far fetched, quantum biology is already showing us that quantum tunneling is already at work in nature. Furthermore, aspects of the quantum world indicate how certain aspects of nature work, from migratory birds to the transformations of tadpoles to frogs. Enzymes and DNA also exhibit quantum traits in our world, displaying how mutations work and overcome energy barriers. Also, excitons which are a part of photosynthesis, are light photons that are absorbed by pigments and generate these excitons, which then carry the associated energy throughout the plant. And these do so in the same wave/particle duality demonstrated in quantum physics.
So if we can harness these abilities, we will be able to use them to create and explore this world at a different level and beyond.

In my mind, the answers we seek to understand the dark energy and dark matter, are represented in the world we see. All things are representative of another. When we seek to understand the universe, quanta, atoms, etc. we will find the answers by looking at an aspect of nature in the world around us.