Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Talk about Time

How we have traditionally perceived time is as past, present and future. However, this is not the case. In this traditional perception, we regard time in this fashion, due to our passage around the sun and the moon's passage around our planet, and gravity plays its part in this general understanding of time.
In reality, quantum physics shows us this is not the case. It suggests the observer affects reality and that entangled photons communicate with each other, linking them beyond space and time. They only become real only when we observe them, yet quanta are both wave and particle at the same time even though they are not visually real until we observe them. This does not mean things do not exist until we see them, it means that the form they take is according to one's perception of time. More recently, test results from observing quanta, imply the future affects the past, making our traditional idea of time, appearing linear (past to future) only one possible facet.
An interesting point regarding time and communication is propagation delay, the length of time between sender and receiver. In our traditional sense of time, the greater the distance we send a signal, the longer it takes to be received. So essentially, all communication is in the past. Say, for example, you are 500 million kilometers away, somewhere in space, there will be a delay in you receiving the message. When you receive the message from the past, you then reply. As you reply, our earth has journeyed at least one day, so the response you send, even though it is in your moment, is now in the past. However, to myself it is from the future, even though it's your past. So in a sense, the future and past are interchangeable. Yet, entangled photons don't have this problem. To them it's like there is no time or identity, until an observer observes them. It is purely a form of energy.
To photons/quanta, there is no need for the construct of time. It is merely energy. We observers understand energy in a number of different ways, as it help us to understand who we are and how things are made. Moreover, we have order, but essentially we are all the same at a basic, elementary level. Without time, there is no relay of communication, merely communication per se, the idea, the intent, the knowing. Time is only required to enable a relay of communication when order is required. This basically means, that energy with mass needs time to comprehend. Energy with no mass, needs no time as it comprehends everything already.
In the dark, seemingly chaotic realm of energy, there is the idea, the intent, the knowing. The energy is both created and uncreated. To reiterate, only a created object will not know or understand due to mass and the concept of linear time is required to help make sense of things. To energy, to uncreated potential, there is constant communication, but it happens all at once. Hence, energy when perceived as light, is communicated as light and manifest as light. Once it is realised in finite form, it is part of the created universe. If unobserved, energy will simply be what it is, until observed. And this phenomenon is at the heart of every atom.
We all exist in time and outside of time. When observed, we are here. When unobserved, we are there, with the rest of the energy. When bound by time, we are finite. Energy only ever changes from one form to another, it does not die. So when we die, we are not really dying at all; we are changing to the unobservable state that simply is just being eternal, and just being, just now.
So linear time allows us to create a sense of order to understand the way of the universe, or multiverse, as the case maybe, and to indicate source and destination. Time is also unbound by our simple traditional view where there is no mass or gravity. Time is within energy and transforms from one state to another.
As we journey around our sun and the moon journeys around our planet, all things have a physical, corporeal reality. When they expire, they are unleashed from the fetters of traditional, linear time and transform into another state of energy. They become eternal. If another being on another planet observes us, they are witnessing the past and to them we will have existed. The light from our sun will have reached our alien observer, thus it will come in to being. Our expired star is proven to have existed, as well as our lives. And even though we will have morphed into a different state of energy and existence at this point, proof of our material existence is there for our alien friend.
Creation is in the past tense, yet the creative flow, the way of this energy, is infinite. Unobserved, it is uncreate and when observed it is created. Therefore we can confidently say that there is a witness to our universe and this observer is the energy that is both created and uncreated, all at once. Our interaction with it confirms our, and its own, existence. We are entangled with this energy and it communicates. This energy is self aware, neigh conscious, and all communication is happening all at once. It is seemingly chaotic to our minds, but not chaos per se, for it is simply knowing, just being. We, on the other hand, are given time so we can process the notion of being, hence linear time being a construct of the energy. This energy witnesses our creation and forms our universe. In turn, we witness the universe and confirm its creation.
This energy is at the heart of every atom. It makes up the bulk of our universe. We think we cannot see it, but we do. It also sees us. It communicates with us, yet we think we cannot hear it, but we do. It also hears us. And this is why we need to understand the silence. All things vibrate and vibration is sound. We need to understand how to tune into the vibration and given time, we will.

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