Monday, 21 September 2015

How did it come to this?

With the recent refugee crisis in Europe regarding the Syrian people, I think it's important to recognise that we, as humankind, need to reassess our values.
There will always be the risk of potential terrorists inserting themselves in other countries, disguising themselves as refugees. However, there will be genuine people seeking refuge. The other side of the coin, is how did we let the country in question ever get to that point that the residents feel the need to escape the regime? We can talk about policing a state/nation, war and sending in peacekeepers, but ultimately we are seeing that there is a huge wave of changing values sweeping across the world. We are experiencing a dichotomy; a materialist west hemisphere & a religious east hemisphere. The west influences the east with democracy and technology, neigh consumerism, whereas the east influences the west with spiritual ideals. We can wage war in the name of a prophet, a deity or in the name of morality, but this is where the problem lies; war is war. The religions of the world have an indubitable influence over our morals and ethics historically. At the heart of most religions there is a common core, a moral core. However, at the heart of humankind, there is a desire to conquer and control. So, whether it be at the United Nations or otherwise, we need to reassess our moral core. We need to be stopping the rise of oppression before it accelerates, allow free will, free speech and freedom of belief. However, with freedom comes a responsibility, that being the right to police people, whilst having no agenda. It is a double edged sword, a paradox, freedom which is policed. No nation should have to be subject to a dictator, oppressive regime or overly controlling government. So we would need to police the police, have intelligence about potential uprisings within the nations, as well as allowing complete freedom. To do this we need a universal consensus on what is right and wrong, hence the need to reassess our values as a planet, the human race. We need a common ground as agreed by all nations. How we would stop uprisings of fundamentalists and extremists would need to be agreed also, thus a need to still have intelligence services and police. An important issue with the potential uprisings is knowing how to let an idea grow, but not become so large that war starts. As soon as an idea gathers pace, this is where we have to address the issue without it becoming a tsunami.
I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we need to address these things as a planet, as one race so that we can have freedom of belief, speech, and free will. We are one. The only barriers that exist are the ones we create. No one should feel like they should have to sneak through a barrier to seek freedom.

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