Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Universal Constant

The more I see life, the more I see the constant changes and realise how nothing is permanent but merely in transition. I, personally, don't believe in reincarnation but consider the possibility of certain traits being passed down, or inherited; like how a cell in a body knows what type of cell it is, or how a plant has a seed and that contains blueprint for what species it is. There is such diversity in life and existence, yet all are impermanent, apart from the source, that creative spark which has been permanent since the inception. We strive to understand the beginning, so we can ponder the end. Yet, the creative spark constantly remains and sees no end, merely the countless changes. Within the transformations only now exists, no past, no future, for they are interchangeable. One past is another's future and one future is another's past. We seek to understand the fluidity of now, it's state of flux and the creative spark within the now. We ascribe names for it such as God, nature, seconds, minutes ,this constant, eternal and now. It exists and is in everything, constantly there whether in a child's tear, a seed, a star or at the heart of an atom. It is what it is. Is it enough to know that it merely is what it is? I am curious and would like to understand what it is.
I perceive it as part of God, as the fabric of the universe, the elusive dark energy, the essence of the cosmos, the quantum quintessence. Not only is it in everything, it is everything and nothing can separate it from us or us from it. I believe it communicates, it responds to us and pays no attention to the rules of time. It shows us that faith in knowing an outcome without doubting it, is an act not just of faith but also a way of helping us understand how it works. It is a miracle worker and enables us to be the same. The greater the number of agreed beings there are conforming to an outcome, the greater the faith is in knowing the outcome will happen. Why? Because belief in the outcome, creates the result. We are tapping in to that creative spark, the essence of our existence.
I also believe that as humans, we possibly do not have the capacity to truly understand the creative energy. As our perceptions of the energy appear to be inline with the notion of a deity, a way, a person, it meets us in this fashion and respects our yearning to communicate and understand it. We cannot see it, yet it is between 'a and b,' then and now, past and future; it is the in-between, the present, the now. It has ways of travelling which we cannot perceive. It can change its method of travel according to the necessary state required to get there. This is how it is similar to faith, for it sees no obstacles and gets from prayer to answer faster than light. The method of travel is not confined to time, it is beyond it. We cannot explain how or why it occurs, yet this indescribable something makes up the majority of the universe.
It's like a vast database that contains the ingredients for life. It downloads information to particles enabling them to be the necessary parts of being and also uploads the information of its existence upon physical death.
It exists and is conscious, exploring every avenue of existence, enabling consciousness in all manner of beings.
I mean no disrespect by naming it as 'it' for the purpose of this article, it's just that it is difficult to define. I believe this phenomena to be part of God. Other people may call it other names, yet I believe that this entity realizes our inability to truly comprehend what it is and accepts our humble, if not meagre, attempts to quantify it, name it and understand it.

This creative force is constant and at work all the time. It is the only constant in our ever changing world, solar system, galaxy and universe. It is the flow, the way, the nature of all things and expresses itself as required. With time you will understand this.

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