Monday, 1 June 2015

Expressions of existence

All things are representative of other things. An atom Is a representation of the universe. A particle has many different forms, just as there is differentiation in people. A particle is also a wave, just as a wave on the sea is made up of different particles. All things have the same components its just they are placed in a different order. A fish has the same constituents as a plant, just as a human has the same constituents as a mouse. The diversity of things is an elegant display of how the building blocks of life can be seen.

You have a universe inside every cell of your being. These are interrelated to express your form. All things are interconnected. We are connected to all things. We are all expressions of existence.

My eyes are the sea, my skin the land. My blood the magma, my bones tectonic plates. My hairs are trees, my palms are deserts. My lungs are the air, my mouth sends out the wind. My mind is a galaxy of thought, in a universe of souls. My soul is in this expression of life. My life is one of many expressions of existence. My existence is one expression of the universe. My universe is an expression of an atom. My atoms are expressions of form. And they are the same as the earth I walk on and the water I bathe in; the food I eat and the air I breathe.
All things are one and the same. It is the hand that forms all things likes a wonderful array. A display of majesty of which the universe is a cabinet in which to place them on display. So who is looking at this?

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