Monday, 8 June 2015

The diamond self

Each of us are multiple people. We are a son/daughter, a brother/sister, a father/mother, grandfather/grandmother. In any given situation, we react in one of these roles. All roles are connected. The people we grow up around influence our behaviours and we learn to be that role by observing them in that role.
A mother is also a daughter, a father is also a son. A grandmother is also a daughter and mother. A grandfather is also a son and father. Our responses are how we identify ourselves in each situation. Realising this, we can increase our empathy and identify with each role.
Next time you are in a family situation, be conscious of your responses and who you are being at that point.

A mother and daughter argue. The daughter sees only her perspective, but the mother unconsciously knows the daughter's perspective and mother's. If the mom was aware of the roles she is playing, empathy would arise and the mother would see things from a daughter's point of view, for the mother has been a daughter. Being able to recognise the point of view would decrease tension. The argument would still occur but the impact less severe, due to the mother realising she is both mother, daughter and grandmother.

We are all connected. Go in peace

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