Tuesday, 2 June 2015

What is God?

What is God? It's a curious question. Many people have many ideas, and each faith has it's own understanding of God, and God's nature.
I suggest reading about it and related
subjects like Transcendental Idealism, Teleology, & God in relation to different religions. It may seem heavy at times, but there are plenty of books and websites that are easy to read. (I'd be careful when reading on Wikipedia though, but they often mention if articles need work.)

The origin of the word God, is unknown. Some people allude to an ancient Sanskrit word, 'hu,' meaning to invoke or call upon. Others think it is of Germanic origin, but this does not define God as in the type of being, God's nature and form.

Philosophy has many ideas about God, just as belief systems do also. There are pluralistic ideas, such as the ancient Greek and Roman pantheon, animistic ideas that god/gods are nature, animals, etc; dualistic ideas of God, monotheistic theologies, and the belief that we are gods or each individual is an expression of God. Some, like the Hindu, Christian& Jew, believe God is a being/deity and spirit. Is God a person? Many beliefs have the notion that God can take any form, or be part of a trinity, that is with equal merit on all 3 parts. Debaters such as Origen would suggest, along with other Arian thinkers, that there is a hierarchy. In Hinduism, there are trinities, such as the Shiva trimurthis. Many beliefs also consider God to be part of our realm, whereas others attribute him to be external. So, as you can see, there are many competing ideas and beliefs.

I often wonder if God is the universe, or creation itself. Is God inspiration, the creative thought? Does God have a form or shape? How does God communicate? How does God do things and go about God's work?

I am not answering the question but stimulating your thoughts. In my own opinion, God is. In a Zen-like way, God is what God is. As Moses intimated in the Bible/Tanakh, God says, 'I am what I am,' which, to my mind, sums up the deity neatly. I do believe in God. I also believe in God's Spirit, and God as Man. I believe the trinity helps us understand God's nature; God as God in personality, God's Spirit as the mind & God as Man, being able to interface with us at our level of understanding. I also think we do not have the facility to grasp what God is within our human minds, hence God's ability to be human.
I am not imposing my understanding upon you, but offering an opinion and different perspectives.


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