Saturday, 27 June 2015

All is One?

You may recall an article I wrote recently, 'Can the future affect the past?' in which I looked at photons and how they can be both wave and particle. Well, I am still fascinated by this idea and wonder if they exist in both states all the time, or if it makes a choice to be one or the other. I suspect that we will more than likely never know, unless studies and research can discern otherwise.

My thoughts around this relate to the idea of ourselves being able to be in two states, namely corporeal and non-corporeal, or spirit. The idea of form has long been an issue, moreover the qualities that define form. Great thinkers since the ancient Greeks, if not before, have debated this. Even the likes of Rene Descartes had ideas regarding form, body & mind, as in Cartesian Dualism. However, if we have two forms, can we choose between them, to assume the required state at will? Answering this will go someway towards understanding if photons can change at will.

Are we both mind & body, or soul & body? Or are they things which we can choose to be? One of the lines of enquiry I have explored is the Hindu idea of Advaita, which is where all things are one. To try and explain this, I'll use this example: there's a piece of paper and being good at origami, you create a swan. Then you undo that and make a cat. Unravelling the cat, you make a flower. After admiring the flower, you flatten the paper back into its original state, then make a ball out of it and throw it in the bin. Advaita suggests that the, the swan, cat, flower and ball are all the same, due to them having the same common components, which in this case is the paper. Likewise, we can say that all life has the same building blocks (i.e. like being carbon based) and so we are all the same, and all a part of each other. The form is identified as self, but when we look deeper we realise we are at one with the moon, stars, plants, fish, sea, air and fire. So, seeing through this 'illusion' helps realise we are all one, as we remove the self/identity. As in the example of the paper, the swan, cat and flower are all the same, when they lose their identity, and the idea of being a swan is seen by the swan as 'illusion.'
So, in short, are the soul and body one thing, and the idea of them being separate a delusion? Is the photon both particle and wave, so the idea of it being in two states an illusion?

In spiritual circles, there are often two competing ideas, dualism and monism. Is there good and bad, or just merely actions? Are there two parts, are they separate? One aspect is interesting, that we are all made up of the same DNA or RNA, but subtle differences mean I'm not a mushroom, so to this degree that is true. However, the self of the mushroom is not the same self as me. The idea of self/identity is not illusion, but merely a way if defining the object and to establish differing points of view.

Personally, I think that our body and spirit are the same in nature and identity, both existing simultaneously. Yes, I have the same basic elements as all things, but I am not all things. An interesting leverate or syllogism occurs here; I am like a tree - but all trees are not like me, or I am all things but all things are not me. Can I choose to be a tree, a bee, a rose? Can I choose which state I exist in whether soul or body? Can I exist as both states at the same time? Can I be both rose & myself? The various schools of shamanism suggest we can assume the identity, or be at one with the soaring eagle, the buffalo and the wolf. However, will these questions regarding our state be answered by science? I do not know, but various spiritual paths suggest we can.

Another interesting aspect regarding oneness relates to consciousness; is my consciousness unique or is it the same as yours, hers, his, the universe's? Can we choose a consciousness to be as or are we being in those conscious states all at the same time? It would be a little like knowing the mind of God. So there's another aspect to consider.

My opinion is that we share the same properties as all existing things do. In essence, we are all the same but with each our own identity and consciousness. Our eyes are a bit like windows through which God/the universe looks at life. I also perceive that is also a need for identity, hence the idea of self. Also, I believe that we can be at one with the universe, life, etc especially when in states of contemplations or meditation. These are only my considered beliefs.

I'd like to finish with these final thoughts: can we choose which state we are in (body/soul) or are we in both states simultaneously? And here's an excerpt from the Ashtavakra Gita.
"The universe is but a thought in Consciousness. In reality it is nothing.
One who sees the True Nature of existence and non-existence never ceases to exist. The Self, which is Absolute, Effortless, Timeless and Immaculate, is without limits and at no distance from you. You are forever It."

I like this writing as I find it thought provoking, but it begs an answer, to know in whose consciousness is the universe a thought? Is it a result of our collective thoughts? Just thought I'd leave this with you.


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