Recent experiments in quantum physics indicate that the future affects the past.
The Double Slit test indicates that light is both a particle and a wave, and that light chooses its outcome of going through the slits according to whether or not it is observed. An adaptation was included, so that the second barrier/slit would be introduced at random, without an observer being present, but it was recorded by equipment used to observe the experiment. However, the same results were recorded each time, which indicated, "the particle's path affects its past decision about which path to take" (Tim Wogan, If you would like to read more on the double split test, follow the hyperlink at the bottom of this post.
So, a few questions arise but the one I'd like to ask is, does this mean we live in a predetermined universe and there is no free will? Moreover, does a future result affect a decision made in the past? Surely it should be the other way around and our decisions determine our future. The issue is also something that is debated in spiritual circles, is God an interventionist or does God allow free will? But is it this simple question? I believe not.
The experiment indicates that the route of the particle is determined by knowing the outcome. So the decision is made in future and sent back to the original position so it gets to the required outcome. The choice to get to the other side is made not in the present, but in the future.
The photon can exist in two states, wave and particle. Whether or not it makes a conscious choice to choose between which state it desires to be will probably remain unknown, so we cannot assume it has choice or is both states at the same time.
If the photon is simultaneously existing in both states then regardless of the obstacles it will always reach its desired destination. If the photon has to choose which state to become, it implies that it is sentient and has free will, the beauty of choice.
"Why am I explaining this?" you are asking yourself. The reason is this: do we exist in more than one state? And with the decisions we make, are we making them in the future?
If we make decisions in the future, our idea of time will be inverted. Our past is the future and our perception of time moving forward is unique to us, when actually we are moving backwards.
In regard to my first question, if we have two states and the possibility of choosing which state to be in, does this substantiate the notion we have souls/spirits?
In my mind, it seems like our soul is another state we exist in which can observe and help us make decisions as it is not contained by time, as we perceive it in our corporeal sense. In terms of the spirit, it experiences past, present and future all at the same time.
With reference to God, could this new discovery substantiate the idea of God being in body and spirit? Could we say 'God is what God is,' as well as body and spirit, like in the Christian trinity?
In terms of the universe and creation, could the double split test infer the creation is in the end of the universe? Is it like T S Eliot says, in his poem East Coker,'In my beginning is my end'?
It surely is something to think about.
In a previous post, "Why do we need God?' I mention that the questions, do we need God and do we need time, are the same. We know the future exists, but are unsure of its properties and whether or not it affects our choices. Likewise, we can say God exists but are unsure of God's properties and whether or not God affects our choices.
Double Split Test link:
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